Determination of Significance:
Lipoproteinlipase (LPL) is a speed reducing enzyme for the degradation of triglycerides. It can catalyze the hydrolysis of triglycerides to fatty acids and monoglycerides. It is mainly synthesized in liver parenchymal cells and plays an important role in lipid metabolism and transport.
Measurement Principle:
Lipoproteinlipase catalyzes the hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenylpalmitate to produce 4-nitrophenol with a characteristic absorption peak at 400 nm.
Self Provided:
Spectrophotometer/Microplate Reader, Low Temperature Centrifuge, Water-Bath, Micro Glass Cuvette/96 Well Flat-Bottom Plate, Transferpettor, Mortar/Homogenizer/Cell Ultrasonic Crusher, Ice, Acetone, Distilled Water.
Note:Product information may be optimized and upgraded. Please refer to the actual label information for accuracy.